Aerial Cameras for Motion Picture and Television Production
FAA Approved for Day and Night Operations, Low Visibility and Minimum Cloud Distance
We Are Passionate About Flying and Cinematography
...and we've been doing both for more than thirty years!

Heavy Lifter Drones
We specialize in heavy lifter drones carrying from DSLR to Red/Alexa. Full HD downlink for camera op, director and AC (follow focus), or for live on-air feeds. Highly experienced flight crew with television and motion picture credentials.

Helicopter Platforms
Prior to working with multirotor UAV’s we had over 30 years’ experience installing, certifying and flying Tyler, FLIR and Cineflex mounts on full size helicopters. If you need full size, we can help!

Camera Systems
We also provide stabilized camera gimbals and operators for ground shots, with remote control and HD transmission for the operator and director.

Aviation Experience Counts
It’s not just that the FAA requires a licensed pilot at the controls of our UAV’s, aviation is a passion for us. We bring the same strict discipline to our UAV services.
Recent News and Projects
Behind the scenes, published work, and places we've been
Flying Cross Receives Visibility and Cloud Distance Waiver
AUSTIN, TX, March 6, 2017 – Flying Cross Aerial Productions, a Texas based aerial camera company specializing in the use of sUAS (drones) for motion picture and television productions, has received waiver #107W-2016-00357A from the FAA allowing the operation its sUAS when visibility and cloud clearances are below the minimums set forth in the Federal Aviation Regulations. Currently, drones cannot legally be flown when the visibility is less than 3 miles, or closer than 500′ below a cloud and 2000′ horizontally, as specified in 14CFR §107.51(c) and (d). “This is a big deal for us” says Flying Cross’ founder Scott Hess, himself a professional cinematographer and commercial pilot for over 35 years. “It allows us to operate when weather conditions are perfectly suitable for aerial filming but cannot otherwise be legally done. Our clients now have one less thing to worry about when trying to coordinate a drone shot on a big production. The whole operation isn’t at a standstill waiting for the clouds to lift a few hundred feet”. But the process in getting the waiver wasn’t easy. “We spent a lot of time developing workable standards that the FAA would be comfortable with, and their UAS Operations Branch worked with us the entire way in making it happen”. Flying Cross Aerial Productions is based in Texas, but provides services across the US for a variety of clients in the motion picture and television industries. They specialize in ‘heavy lift’ drone platforms capable of flying medium and large cameras as well as smaller versions used in live television news broadcasts. For more information about Flying Cross at Contact:... read moreFlying Cross Receives Night Waiver
Flying Cross is pleased to announce that we have received a Certificate of Waiver from the FAA allowing us to operate at night. We’re one of the few television and motion picture oriented drone companies with this approval, and we look forward to providing night time services to all of our broadcast and film clients! For more information please contact us at 512-655-9974.... read moreFlying Cross is proud to offer our newest lifter, designed specifically to provide high quality live HD transmission in a highly portable platform. This custom designed Hexacrafter 900mm copter delivers a reliable zero latency HD feed in broadcast standards 720/59.94p and 1080/59.94i.
The 6 motors are uniquely powered by (3) 4500mah batteries, which are able to be brought as airline carry-on. That means we can deploy rapidly to any location without waiting to ship batteries. And flight times exceed 15minutes while maintaining motor loss redundancy. Plus, with a weatherproof canopy the critical flight control components are protected from rain. Other off the shelf systems don’t compare!
With over 20 years’ experience in live broadcast news and sports, our teams are expert in working in this demanding field.

Need More Information?
Please give us a call to discuss your project. 512-655-9974 or visit the Contact page.